Rolf Hefti's Newsletter

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“My sole motivation for writing is to basically only write about the things that nobody talks about –or nobody writes about.” (Thomas Bernhard, Iconoclastic Social-critical Austrian Novelist, Playwright, And Poet, 1931-1989) [my own translation from German to English]

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  • Be The First to be notified of newly published articles.

  • Tap into a unique resource of independent analysis of health information: my personal research
    Rather than faithfully relying on popular opinions and official narratives, I make an effort to dig deeper for the actual facts, about dietary supplements and health, taking cultural perspectives, ideologies, and medical politics into consideration (among other things).

    For example, I don't assume a priori (=without supporting evidence) that data on nutritional supplements and information on nutrition and health issues or data from mainstream medicine and non-mainstream medicine is accurate simply because it emanates from people or organizations in positions of acclaimed authority, status, and reputation. (I take Einstein's “authority warning” seriously –see the Home page for his exact quote.)

    It also means that none of my writings and material is produced with biased mainstream ideologies-propagandizing technological generative artificial intelligence, such as AI bots and apps (read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Room” treatise). Or, all content is generated by my own HI, human intelligence –not AI, artificial intelligence.

    Therefore, my information may provide you with a new way of looking at things, and possibly steer you into a different, more formative, encouraging direction. (To find out how others perceive my articles and reports see Testimonials: What Others Say About Rolf Hefti's Writings).

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You will receive Rolf Hefti's Newsletter (electronic/digital edition) periodically, corresponding to my output of site additions, revisions of existing content, and new articles.

Inevitably, my publications tend to be lengthy because of my particular method of investigating subject matters which, not infrequently, is a broad-spectrum approach. It is an orientation that's prone to be more complex and time-consuming to materialize. (This particular investigative mentality of a broad “Big Picture” perspective to things is in part a ramification of my elementary education in sociology [see my Biography], a most fundamental characteristic of that field of knowledge.)

If you don't want to miss any of my occasional publications please subscribe with the form below.

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